From: Bikram Yoga Marietta Views: 1195
Bikram Yoga NYC
From: Bikram Yoga NYC Views: 221
Bikram Yoga Asheville
From: Kristi Hedberg Views: 4757
Bikram Yoga Irvine 30 Day Challenge: Day One
From: irvinebikramyoga Views: 3574
Bikram yoga Teacher Training 2014 Spring
From: yogi clown Views: 822
Bikram Yoga Mallorca!
From: Bikram Yoga Mallorca Views: 1093
Tranquil Point - Bikram Yoga Retreat
From: Social Workz | Social Media Solutions Views: 1731
Bikram Yoga Alabang - Gives Back Part 2
From: Orange Magazine TV Views: 91
Yoga for a Difference: Bikram Yoga Alabang Supports My Dream in ...
This is an article about Bikram Yoga Alabang's third anniversary celebration through a yoga for a cause event entitled “BYA Shares the Love: You and Yoga for a Difference.” BYA Shares the Love 2013 is in support of the My ...
Bikram Yoga Alabang Gives Back!! | Unbuyable - Eboy Bautista
In celebration of Bikram Yoga Alabang's — A #RoadToSub300 partner — 3rd year anniversary, instead of the regular party with food and games benefiting all of their clients, they decided to give back!
Bikram Yoga Alabang offers free yoga classes in October | SOCIAL ...
Bikram Yoga Alabang (BYA), hottest fitness enclave in the Metro South, will offer free Bikram yoga classes during weekends for the whole month of October. Bikram yoga is a type of yoga performed inside a heated room, ...
Fit is in: Bikram Yoga Alabang's 30-Day and 4×4 Yoga Challenge ...
Yoga students step out of their comfort zone and overcome their limitations through this intensive challenge to achieve their personal fitness goals.
Bikram Yoga Alabang's 4×4 Challenge Post Mortem | Unbuyable
For some of you, you are aware that Bikram Yoga Alabang (BYA) is one of my #RoadToSub300 partners. For 5 weeks, I've been going through their doors at 8:00 in the morning to attend one (1) of four (4) weekday classes ...
The Iron Boy: 14 Days of Hot Yoga at Bikram Yoga Alabang
14 Days of Hot Yoga at Bikram Yoga Alabang. Session 7 & 8 - Time Lapse This was the day I knew I had to tough it out as much as I can. I did my practice at 6am had a meeting the whole day and did my second practice at ...
My First Day at Bikram Yoga Alabang. | Unbuyable
So today, with a foot slightly aching, I brought myself to Bikram Yoga Alabang. Got there 45 minutes early for the 8:30AM class, (excited much?) and was able to get to talk to Frank – a yoga instructor – and Paolo – one yoga ...
Bikram Yoga Alabang Shares The Love | The Running Enthusiast
A Bikram yoga class by Bikram Yoga Alabang was held last October 20, 2012 for the benefit of Ayala Alabang Hospice Care Foundation, Inc. at the Molito, Alabang.